If you’re ready to find your brand purpose, you’re in the right place!
We now know that brand purpose as a branding strategy is here to stay, but your brand’s purpose shouldn’t be something you use just to look good. It should genuinely embody your target audience’s values. A good brand purpose should not only show why you exist but also how your brand benefits society.
A recent groundbreaking global study evaluated consumers and brands from across eight countries. The research found undeniable proof that leading with purpose leads to more success. Results revealed that consumers are four to six times more likely to choose companies with a strong brand purpose over those with a weak one.
The study revealed that a strong brand purpose leads consumers to be:
- 4 times more likely to buy from the company
- 6 times more likely to defend the company in the face of public criticism
- 4.5 times more likely to champion the company and recommend it to friends and family
- 4.1 times more likely to trust the company
Putting it simply, it’s important for your success to find your brand purpose. To find yours, start by putting your customers first and show an authentic desire to have a positive social impact.
But sometimes, that can be easier said than done. So, here’s how to find your brand’s purpose so it’s perfect for your business.
Before we start, let’s talk about what brand purpose isn’t
Your brand purpose is not:
- Your brand vision
- Or your brand mission
- Or your brand values
Although they are all related, they are not the same. Think of the vision, mission, and values as the wheels of your brand, and your brand purpose as the engine.
What’s the difference?
Vision, mission and values are all inward focussed – that means you talking about your brand:
- Vision is where you are going
- Mission is how you will get there
- Values define how you will behave
Your brand purpose is outwardly focussed and acts as the bigger meaning behind why you do what you do. It sits above your vision, mission and values and informs and guides them.
How to find your brand purpose
Let’s start with one of the most popular methods of finding your brand purpose: Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle.
The Golden Circle theory shows how you can inspire consumers to trust your business if you start with why. The theory is that “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. The ‘why’ is what connects your brand with people through shared beliefs and what can help you to identify your clear purpose.
Although exploring the ‘what you do and how you do it’ is helpful, getting down to the ‘why’ is more important. To help you discover your ‘why’, the best way is to ask yourself some questions.
- First, what are you best at?
- Secondly, what are you passionate about?
- Thirdly, what difference can you make?
You can use those 3 questions to create a Venn diagram. In one circle write what the world needs, in another write what you are good at and in the final one, write what you are passionate about. Your brand’s purpose will lie in the intersection in the middle.
The answers to these questions will also provide you with an insight into what drives your brand. It’s also handy for helping you to identify areas that could be out of alignment.
While finding your brand purpose, remember to think long term. It can’t be a one-off marketing tactic. Your consumers need to see your brand committing to your purpose, not just carrying out a one-off marketing tactic.
10 famous brand purpose examples to inspire you
As well as adding value to your business, finding your brand purpose can give your brand a competitive edge. Working out ‘why you do what you do’ helps to build a more emotional connection between your brand and your consumers. This leads to brand loyalty and helps to boost sales.
Remember, the majority of consumers think that companies should have a strong purpose, and reward those who do. In fact, 94% of consumers say it’s important that companies have a strong purpose.
If you’d like help defining your brand purpose, please get in touch.